SWAN December 2018 Newsletter

Dear Parents:
Happy holidays! It was just couple of months ago that I shared a “Welcome Back” message. I hope everyone has recently received their child(ren’s) progress and updates at the Parents Teacher Conference (PTC). If I have not yet met you at PTC or dismissal at , please don’t hesitate to come by and say “hi”. I always enjoy meeting and speaking with parents.
As a parent myself, I too do understand is not easy in choosing a preschool or after-school program. Therefore, I personally want to congratulate each of you for choosing SWAN. At SWAN, we prioritize in language acquisition and cultural preservation through our teaching. However, at the end of each day, we are always about our children. Each child is important to us and I would not hesitate to say, this statement comes from every single staff member atSWAN. We are always reflecting on how to best improve our teaching and overall operations. In our reflection, we have come to value our parents’ feedback the most.
Again, thank you for choosing SWAN. If you have not clicked on the #giftSwan campaign, take a look HERE. The additional school-wide resources cannot happen without your help. Every donation or corporate donation counts!
Wishing everyone a warm and joyful holiday season.
Fu Mei Cheung
Executive Director
年終歲末佳節愉快!在幾個月前,我跟各位分享了一份“歡迎回來”的訊息。我希望每位家長都因經過親師座談會能了解孩子的進度。如果我還沒有在親師座談會,11 和124小學, 靈光教堂,或幼兒園跟您見過面, 歡迎你下次跟我直接打招呼。我是很樂意與每位父母見面和交談。
本身也做為家長的我,很明白選擇幼兒園或課後班是並一個不容易的決定。因此,我想在此祝賀你們選擇展望。我們的教育導向是以語言學習和文化保護做為優先。最終,我們還是最關注我們每一個孩子。我可以毫不猶豫地說, 每個孩子對我們每一位展望的員工都非常重要。我們一直在思考如何改善我們的教學和整體運作。我們在反省時非常重視每位父母的回饋。
我再次感謝您選擇展望。如果您還沒有點擊 #giftSwan籌款活動 ,請查看此處。如果沒有你的幫助,我們將無法增加額外的學校資源。您或企業的每一筆捐款都相當重要!
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